Frequently Asked Question

Synology CloudStation Drive/Backup "SSL certificate has been changed"
Last Updated 7 years ago

If you use pretty much any SSL certificate on your server, then at some point, maybe annually, or every 90 days if your using LetsEncrypt, your clients are all going to stop working and if someone notices and clicks the cloud icon then it will say "SSL certificate has been changed".

Well of course it has, that's what SSL certificates do, they expire and need to be changed. I have no idea what the thinking was here, but all I can suggest in the short term is turn off SSL. Its not secure, but if you have 60 clients and their cloudstation clients are all going to stop working every 90 days then its not going to be funny, let alone all the duplicates that will be created when all the various copies start to sync.

If there's any change on this then I'll update this FAQ.
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